
Saturday, February 1, 2014

Talks with My Twenties: March 15, 2005 (post #3) - Age 24

Subject: Males

I will never understand them. I don't hate them, one bad apple shouldn't spoil the bunch....but how is it that I get 3 rotten ones on [sic] a row? *lol* I think I'm going to vomit.

First of all, me, THREE posts in one day?! About nothing?

At 24, you had the Seinfeld of blogs, Tiff. 

Anyhow, you are so cute. 24 and upset that your last 3 relationships were with rotten dudes. (And actually, if you're referring to your ex-husband, give it some time. You guys actually become friends. I never saw that one coming, did ya?)

I don't even know who the third rotten one is. That is how insignificant that guy became.

But most importantly, the second guy you're referring to? The one you thought you'd never live without? Guess what?

You are living without him just fine. 

You barely ever think about him. Those thoughts stopped sometime in 2006. Now every once and a while he crosses your mind, but it's just another memory.

No different than the memory of that day in kindergarten when you were absolutely terrified of those hermit crabs that some twisted, 5-year-old monster brought in for show-and-tell.

Actually, that memory causes more strife than thinking about good ol' Mr. "I Once Taped a Razor to a Stick So I Could Shave My Back." (#truth)

What I am saying though is, the memory of that guy and the relationship doesn't carry all that weight forever. You get over it.  And that's a beautiful thing.

You still don't understand men, though. You have a better grasp...but I don't think they'll ever stop being mind-boggling.

All we know about that at 33 is:

Maybe 43-year-old Tiff will have some insight on that one.

33-year-old Tiff

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