
Sunday, February 9, 2014

Sunday Special Series: Talks with My Teenage Years #2 - November 29, 1994 - Age 14

[Crush] was back! He got a haircut and [good friend] said he looked like [some other boy in class]! I don't think so, but they wore almost the same shirt today! 

Too bad I don't know if [crush] likes me! He's so sweet! I don't have him in any of my classes but he looks at me in the hall! Anyway, today was [another good friend's] birthday, it was [also someone else's] too!
Will a boy ever like me? They haven't yet! This is so crazy! Guys are so weird!
[Another guy from my class] was flirting with me today. I know he doesn't like me because he flirts with everyone! I wouldn't go out with him because it would upset [good friend]. 

Well. Isn't this is just adorable.

Fact: I was boy-crazy as hell from the time I was 5 until late 20s. (And maybe even now...a little? Yeah...sure. But certainly not as much.)

Will a boy ever like you, 14-year-old Tiff? Of course they will. Plenty of boys will like you.

And still, plenty won't.

I'm looking at you, Ryan Gosling...

But that's all okay.

The most important thing is that one day, eventually, you'll like you enough to not really care whether or not guys (or anyone else for that matter) like you. And you'll be grateful...because it is glorious.

But for FLAD's sake I'm grateful that your entire high school diary is pretty much dedicated to your adorable boy-craziness.

I'm, however, having a hard time figuring out how I'm going to post the 20+ pages of doodled heart drawings you made during your first phone conversation with your first boyfriend ever...

Yyyyep. You actually did that. 

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